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Switch and Case

Switch and case are two components that are supposed to be used with each other. They both have an of= prop. If the of prop sent to case is equal to the on in a switch then it's child will be rendered. If not. then the one with a default case will be rendered.


A component that Renders any element that was rendered by a <Case/>. If nothing is rendered by a case statement it will render a message telling you to pass in a case component.

<Switch of={unknown} cloak={true|undefined} >
<Switch of={unknown} cloak={true|undefined} >


These are the acceptable props.


A prop that takes in any value that Astro accepts.


The children are supposed to be <Case /> that will have one of their children rendered if contains the same as <Switch />


A prop that must be true or undefined. If the prop is true then instead the children from all cases not being able to be rendered when their of= are not the same as itself. Instead they will be rendered as display: none in the browser.


This component must be under a <Switch/> to be useful. It takes in either a of= prop or a default= prop. The user must pick between either one. It also has to have a child that is HTML. This component will render it's HTML if the of= prop passed is the same as the one in Switch. Of if none of it's other siblings were rendered But. A default prop was placed on it. Then that child will render.

<Case of={unknown} >
<Case of={unknown} >


These are the acceptable props.


A prop that takes in any value that Astro accepts.


The children must be one or more HTML Elements. They must be put inside of this component.


The default prop is a prop that makes it so that if no other cases are true then the it's child will be the one that will be rendered.


If no cases render a component the Switch component will render a message that asks to place in a case component.

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