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For Astro Minimal Template

This template is a template that is created with purpose of creating simple sites with taliwind and Astro. You can create simple sites with this template by making good use of @forastro/flowand @forastro/utilities. They will help with making Non to minimally interactive pages quickly.

The @forastro/utilities package is featured here so that you can use it for pages. It's useful for solving common challenges with astro. Remember that the components used are in-fact astro components.

For icons astro-icon is useful for icons.

CSS FrameworkUno
Font LibraryFontsource
Icon LibraryAstro Icon


Start Command

To start the app use:

Terminal window
pnpm run start

Main Folders

  • components - for components
  • composables - for composables
  • utilities for - constants, util functions, and types.
  • layouts
  • pages


There are only two config files in this repo. astro.config and uno.config. I will split this into two sections.

The Default.astro file contains the main stylesheet for uno. The CSS Variables come from a website called Utopia which is a site that is good for using typography and fluid spacing. I decided to use a 12 - 16 font range with a transition from a minor third to a major third.

The --heading-font variable is used for headings the --body-font variable is used for the body. The step variables are used in the Typography component.

Astro Config

Experimental Assets are enabled in this template.

Uno Config

Uno is configured to use dark mode class vue-use needs this so that it can trigger dark mode. The safelisted classes are hidden, fixed, translate-x-full, translate-y-full, opacity-0. This is so that no one ever has to turn them on per project. Most of the time hidden and fixed will be used but, I have found that the translate classes can be used in some projects to make it so that something moves in a specific direction.


This is a list of extensions for this library.

  • VsCode Extensions
    • Iconify Intellisense
    • Icones
    • Uno Intellisense
    • Astro
    • Astro Snippets

To use the icons please go to Icones for a long list of icons.

For more information on @forastro/flow and @forastro/utilities go here